Welcome to the Crazy

I assume I need to start this blog with an introduction. I’m Amber. My clan and I live right outside a very small town in Minnesota. We live on a 10-acre hobby farm that has been passed down through my family for 3 generations. Our small brood consists of me, my husband Farmer Jon, and our three children (Asa is 12, Jerzy is 8, and Jon Jr is 3). That’s just the start…. We also have 2 dogs, 26 rabbits and nearly 200 chickens in our menagerie. Jon is an over-the-road truck driver and I am a work-from-home mom that sells Plexus. We are also beginning homesteaders. It’s Farmer Jon’s dream to, one day, live totally off the grid, I’d settle for being self-sustaining enough to survive an economic breakdown. We aren’t super preppers and I don’t see us ever being totally off the grid, but we do pretty well when it comes to using what resources we can gather here on our little farm to keep our family fed and cared for. Our grand idea for this blog is just to share our crazy world with others. We hope to inspire others to begin homesteading (or at least become more self sufficient) as well as use this as a tool to learn from others who have been in our shoes. There are lots of crazy antics in our household that will surely make you laugh and lots of great tips, tricks and info on homesteading, raising animals, being a truckers wife and running a crazy household like ours!

A little more about Farmer Jon and I. We have been married for 2 years. We are a perfect pair that balances each other out. Not to say we don’t drive each other crazy sometimes but all and all it’s a pretty good match. You will all be lucky enough to be introduced to Farmer Jon in videos we plan on uploading in future posts. You will see that we are a fun loving bunch who love a good laugh. In our household I am obviously the household management while he is the primary bread winner. My job is to make sure a roof stays over our head, food stays in our bellies, lights stay on, and the children survive each day. His job is to be gone for weeks and come home and finish (or start) a new project that he thought up while he was out on the open road. I think it is important for you to understand that my husband spends all his time on the road looking for new ideas and thinking of projects to do on his home time…… or things he wants me to do or try add to my already crazy days. It makes for interesting conversations each day while we recap our days. He has a few friends that so very kindly (insert major eye roll) help him with his ideas and give him plenty of material to expand on and drive me crazy. Between those friends and a 100GB data plan (so he has almost unlimited access to YouTube) the ideas flow from him like a waterfall. The key to being the wife of such a creative mind is to only listen with half an ear and NEVER EVER assume a project will go as planned or be as easy as he claims.




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